Contact and FAQ

Frenquently ask questions
How is DRAAVIS different from other car rental platforms ?
DRAAVIS Gives you access to the best Cars by bringing together the best car rental companies and their outstanding services.
In how many countries does DRAAVIS operate ?
Why is Draavis cheaper?
Do I need an account to make bookings on Draavis ?
How do I make a reservation using DRAAVIS ?
Can I modify or cancel my reservation ?
Is the reservation cancellation charged ?
Is Draavis Free ?
What is DRAAVIS ?
Which features are included when having a car rental platform on DRAAVIS ?
How does my company receive payment from customers ?
What is Plugin Integration ?
What does it cost to have a platform on Draavis ?
Is there a training program or support available for our employees to learn how to use the platform ?

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